Raising and Distributing Covid-19 Donations by Matagaruda Aceh - Portofolio | Hendra Yulisman

Raising and Distributing Covid-19 Donations by Matagaruda Aceh

Raising and Distributing Covid-19 Donations by Matagaruda Aceh

When Covid-19 began to appear in Kota Banda Aceh, health workers were very tired because the number of patients was booming and the support for personal equipment such as PPE and medical masks was still minimal. It can be dangerous for their own health. Therefore, Matagaruda Aceh took the initiative to raise and distribute donations for health workers who specifically deal with Covid-19 in Banda Aceh.

Funds were sourced from Matagaruda Pusat, members of Matagaruda Aceh, and the general public. The purpose of the distribution of aid is the two central hospitals for handling COVID-19 in Banda Aceh, namely the Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Zainal Abidin and Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Meuraxa. Donations were given in the form of PPE, medical masks, fruits, honey, and boxed juices. Donations are received directly by representatives of health workers who work in hospitals.

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